As a member of society, we believe we have an important role to play in social and economic development of our country and continent, not only in the manner of addressing challenges, but also in maximizing opportunities that are alive in the emerging socioeconomic landscape.
Our philosophy and approach comprises two pillars, i.e. an employment focus and an entrepreneurship focus:
- The employment focus entails hiring for diversity and creating a socially inclusive environment, through policy and practice, where such diversity can thrive, with an emphasis on personal development of staff.
- The entrepreneurship focus entails offering support to emerging entrepreneurs creating their own opportunities through innovation, with an emphasis on preferential procurement.
We intentionally leverage every project to deliver meaningful socioeconomic outcomes, assessing in each instance, the extent to which the project could enhance social variables that would have the greatest impact.
Chief among the success measures we use are:
- The extent to which we have given employment opportunities to young people, women and people with disabilities and the extent to which they were offered exposure as per their personal development plans.
- The extent to which we have localized procurement to enhance the odds of success for small businesses in the localities where we do work.
- The extent to which we have empowered subcontracted small businesses through knowledge sharing and skills transfer.